Monday, October 12, 2009


by Pat Antonopoulos

A Star Trek episode had children dealing with Grumps...Grown Ups. At least, my memory has the kids working around the cranky behaviors of the adults in the colony.

I think I am a grump. I don't want to be, but hints are piling on. Rereading my blogs and a few chapters from Four Ordinary Women is hard-core evidence that 'grump' is the noun that works. Some of my writing reads as if I am soured on life, lamenting one thing or another. I am not!

The odd thing is that I am one of the happiest and most contented people I know. If I had to come up with something I want more of, it would be family time. That's it.Not clothes. Not jewelry. Not a replacement for my '99 Buick GrannyMobile. Not a bigger house. Not more travel. Not fine dining.

OK...maybe a few more boxes of Orville's Kettle Corn in the cupboard would post some security on that evening habit. A paper fairy to make decisions and clean my desk would be nice. That sums up the current and most pressing needs of my life.

There is an 'except'.
We, the four authors of Four Ordinary Women, have been enriched by time spent with women's groups. Our quest is to find more opportunities to share the stories of your lives as we meld with the stories of our lives. Each time we join a group for conversation, we are realize the common yet extraordinary threads of connectedness. We come away appreciating the time and the company.

If you are in a group or know of a group that would enjoy sharing this experience, please do contact us. There is a contact button on our website,
We would love to hear from you.

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