Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Blind Side

by Pat Antonopoulos

Seven decades of dodging that elusive blind side, and THUD! It got me. Was it creeping just outside my awareness? Or was I turning my head in avoidance?
Maybe the 'how' of arrival isn't as important as the 'why'. Why did I let it happen?

My impending sort of instincts have always been a gift. Even when my children were young, answering the tug just outside my sensory awareness proved true.

At this moment, I am boxed and bundled into a situation that is basically outside my control. This is not a good place. Waiting has never been my first choice of response.

The tonnage of second guessing oneself is a low-to-the-ground heavy weight.
How does one deal with this? How have you, Gentle Readers, worked the maze?
Want to share? Surely, there is a way...not around, but straight through.

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