Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Reluctant Blogger

By Pat Antonopoulos

Remember that book, The Reluctant Tourist? A traveler not into the moment, not able to appreciate the adventure? The content of the book escapes but I do remember the title, perfect for my attempts to blog.

Blogging is part of the new highway of adventure, right? A way to get from here (my words) to there (you, the reader). I am the tourist and I come to you, the reader, with a spirit of adventure, a willingness to risk my thoughts as they will be processed through your perspectives, a tourist of the mind.

If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you might have noticed some foot-dragging by one of Four Ordinary Women. That would be me.
My blog-mate can write of tee shirts, coffee grounds, and winning or loosing old reliable games. She writes it with a sense of fun. Her blogs are good for double it twice to savor all the words and the content. Guessing that her blogs outnumber mine three to one.

However, this is not to say that I value these exchanges any less. Stephen King uses 'gentle reader' when he speaks through his books. That is nice. I like that. And I would very much like to find your words on our blog. Wouldn't it be fun to take this tour together?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I like reading your posts equally as well as reading Patti's. "Gentle Readers" is a good name for your audience, even if S King coined it earlier.

Problem is, I have about 30 blog sites from just my immediate family and friends that I'm supposed to be I am only an occassional visitor. But keep up the good work, and congrats on getting your first book published!!!

Sara Grier