Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Perspective

by Pat Antonopoulos
Love this stuff!
Loved reading Patti's blog, Gutter Ball, and then listening to one of my sons give his perspective on President Obama's bowling comment as reported in the newspaper.
Need to be clear that I have never watched Jay Leno so my sense of the program does not add or detract from any perspective.
My son does not own a television so he, too, has little if any sense of Jay Leno or his program.
Probably important to note that this son discussed the comment with two of his brothers, a sister and a sister-in-law.
No match-ups and no consensus in that discussion. Our family is all over the political landscape and this incident was viewed with the usual variety of perspectives.
A bit of further background is important.
My son is an educator, a father, a consistent supporter of Special Olympics and a young man who has repeatedly handed yet another coat to a homeless person when the weather demanded he walk the walk. He has loved and laughed with the special kids as they toss a ball backwards or run from third to first, smiling all the way. know where this is leading, right?
For a very long time, my son has lamented what he sees as the ' unreasonable corruption of political correctness', the harnessing of thought to fit an outline designed to erase all chance of offense.
From his perspective, the man holding the office of President of the United States meant absolutely no disrespect by his comment. Rather, my son sees the incident as an indication that President Obama has a comfort level that allows him to laugh at his lack of ability and to make a comparison that does not dishonor the Special Olympians.
I do love it.
I do love to realize that each of us comes to every life moment carrying all the memories of past moments, the good and the damaged. We observe. We process. We become....and if we are lucky, we share our perspectives with those that help us enrich and clarify our own perspectives.
I am learning and I so appreciate the process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I appreciate your thoughts here. Indignation is riduclous. Enough of that is spread around without true analysis of exactly what policies people do or don't support. That is an art in and of itself....which we don't need!

Thanks for a reasonable response!

Sara Grier