Sunday, June 14, 2009

Seven Steps

by Pat Antonopoulos

After years of gathering, supporting, building relationships and writing, we scuffed in a circle not knowing how to proceed. Publish? Not Publish? All of us? Some of us? A friend who knew the intricacies of publishing suggested that 'getting published' might not be the most difficult challenge. His perspective suggested that maintaining the relationships was an even greater obstacle. Competition, ego, assigning blame--all human tendencies, would ooze into the process.

In our euphoria, we discounted his experience, vowing that we had the character and courage to continue in friendship and determination. However, balancing the wishes of everyone could not happen. When the goal of being published became firm, our group grew smaller. From the original ten women, various kinds of attrition brought us to four --- Four Ordinary Women.

We began the work of finding a publisher, making that goal the measure of our success. Hours and efforts melted into the joy of knowing our book was in process. A publisher sent a contract.

A new yardstick, a new goal, new hours and efforts took renewed commitments of time and energy. With a beautiful book in hand, we realized that the launch was not the success. Launch was a step, but not a time for laurels.

Our first signing event at Keeler Womens Center was amazing, a subject of previous blogs. This will always carry the imprint of our first public success. In truth, it was a gentle and supportive baby step. Much more was to come.

As we reviewed our new and daunting goals, someone suggested the trite game of Seven Steps to Kevin Bacon, a method of connecting any human on the planet to any other human by seven steps of increased contact. If the game works, any of us could be introduced to Joyce Carol Oats, Bill Gates, Colin Powell, Pope Benedict, Oprah, Ellen, Coretta Scott King, or a woman selling jewelry in a remote village somewhere on this earth---all through seven handshakes along the process. These seven steps might connect Four Ordinary Women to that public figure who could help us with impressive sales.

Together, we have smiled at this suggestion as we continue our work of making contacts, pursuing author events,gulped and shallow breathing when overwhelmed, middle of the night prayers, day light doubts constantly squelched by an intense belief in our book and in one another.

But...just in case you, dear reader, happen to be one of our seven steps to success, we invite you to visit us (gold embossed heavy duty invitation) through our website

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