Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Third Man

by Pat Antonopoulos

Early in the movie, Joseph Cotton's character, Marsden, says, "I'm a writer."
Easy. Quick. Confident. "I'm a writer."
Marsden come to Paris because he has been offered a job---as a writer.

Our book has been published. I wrote about 1/4 of that words on the paper,but am I a writer?

Recently, my son asked me to autograph a copy of Four Ordinary Women. Dan purchased it for a former student who is a writer. That was outside--- far outside--- my comfort. Jessieh is a writer. My words are part of a book.

I love to write. I love to find words that fit--that lock in my thoughts---that are rain on my wonderful parade of a life. But does that qualify? Am I a writer?

Maybe not yet, but I am working on it.

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