Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Not So Ordinary Experience

by Pat Antonopoulos

Our writing is our neighborhood to share with the reader, to mourn and to celebrate what is---and what isn't in our lives. Perspectives. Fresh insights into the common aspects of our lives. Learning, through writing, to treasure family, marriage, friendships.
These are just two examples of our efforts to write the perfect subtitle. In ten words or less, explain your book and voila! a subtitle for the book cover. Simple, or so we thought.

We struggled, and still struggle, with a subtitle for our book, Four Ordinary Women. lists our book, but without a cover picture or the names of those people who wrote such beautiful and appreciated endorsements. By the end of next week, every aspect of Four Ordinary Women will be in place, we will be officially launched.

Our life lessons are made public. Our perspectives open to scrutiny. We wrote to share both wonder and anguish, hoping for that connection with you, the reader, that comes through genuine concern.

Please accept this invitation to join us by reading and sharing your thoughts about Four Ordinary Women.

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