Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Tribute to Susan Boyle

Every once in a while, we are stopped in our tracks by something that has the potential to change, well --- the world. Susan Boyle has accomplished that. Here is a woman, 47 years old, who is, in all outward appearances, well --- ordinary. She is a contestant on the British version of American Idol.   

Susan Boyle, in her sensible shoes, outdated dress, and fuzzy hair walks across the stage, seemingly oblivious to the reception she is getting.  You know, the she's-got-to-be-kidding-me reception.  She approaches center stage.  A little nervous, but doing a good job of putting her best self forward.  She's got her own version of stage presence, a combination of star-struck, deer-in-the-headlights and can-this-be-me-on-this-stage. 

And then -- then she opens her mouth.  And then -- then the magic happens. Her voice trumps everything else.  I have watched it three times on You-Tube and have cried three times.  

It's all the lessons we want to teach our kids, all wrapped up in one human being, right?  That what matters is not what someone looks like.  That talent comes with all kinds of wrappers. That nice matters.  That happiness is not about what you can accumulate.  That fame can be accomplished without weighing 110 and baring too much cleavage. That maybe Simon and the audience of skeptics have learned a valuable lesson.  Maybe Simon will keep his waiting-to-be smirked smirks in check for a tad longer.  And finally, we need to harness the joy on Susan's face and when she stamps her feet because the happiness is spilling over and out.  I hope that she never changes, that the "makeovers" that are rumored don't happen.  Because she is perfect just the way she is. 

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